Friday, 14 October 2016

Church Road Mural

This year’s biggest project has been working on the Church Road Mural. 
Zoe Power and I were commissioned by Bristol City Council to design and paint a community mural on the wall of St George Liberal Club.

It’s bold and colourful and celebrates the history and diversity of the Redfield neighbourhood.

I led print based workshops with school children, young people and vulnerable adults where they helped design motifs, which were then incorporated into the mural design.

The chosen design is a patchwork of individual segments representing different elements of the local community. The mural includes swans and herons to represent St George Park and trams to represent the history of Church Road, as well as musical images to reflect local festival Redfest.

We’re chuffed with the great response’s we’ve had so far.

So get in touch if you want to show your wall some LOVE and treat it to a colourful bespoke design. (Email: or call 07905895116).